November 2012

Happy Thanksgiving PUMAS!!!! We're almost at the end of this Fall Semester. Don't give up now!

Be aware that you have until the end of this month to complete and SEND in your applications.
Continue checking your e-mails for any updates with your colleges. MEET YOUR DEADLINES. If you're having any trouble whatsoever in regards to the application process, please feel free to stop by
the College Center and talk to Mrs. Ortiz-Martinez.

Taking the SAT? December 1st is the LAST SAT day colleges will accept! DEADLINE is NOVEMBER 1st to register and pay the $50 fee. Taking the ACT? December 8th is the LAST ACT day colleges will accept! The deadline is NOVEMBER 2nd to register and pay the $50 fee.
Late Registration for both tests are November 16th.


What is GPA? GPA is your grade point average. Colleges use it to measure your academic performance. Calculating your college GPA requires your transcript and is beyond time-consuming. If you want to calculate your GPA, follow these instructions:

Step 1: Count the number of semester grades received in the UC A-G Courses starting from your Sophomore year to your Senior year. ***Remember that Freshmen grades will not count***
Step 2: Once you have done Step 1, multiply each number of semester courses/grades by the corresponding grade points. (A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1 *Fails will have to be repeated in order to receive the credit*) Add these to reach the total grade points.
Step 3: Count the number of UC approved AP, IB, Honors, & Transferrable Community Classes in the 10th, 11th, &/or 12th grade. (A=5, B=4, C=3 *D's and F's will not receive the extra point) **Make sure you do not confuse these courses with your regular classes.**
Step 4: Add the total points from both your regular and AP, IB, Honors, &/or Transferrable Community Classes. This is the grand point total.
Step 5: Once you have achieved the grand point total, count the total of semesters and divide the total with it. The number you get will be your College GPA.


# of Semester Courses, by Rec’d
# of Grade Points
Step 3:
# of AP, IB, Honors, & CC Semesters
Step 4:
Grand Point Total
Step 5:
Divide Grand Point Total by Total Semsters

# of As=

X 4 =
Enter total # of AP, IB, Honors and CC Semesters below. Only add up to 8 semesters if you want the Weighted and Capped GPA.
Add columns 2 and 3 for Grand Point Total and enter below. Do not do this step if you want the Unweighted GPA
Divide column 4 by column 1 and enter below. This will be the Fully Weighted GPA or if there are 8 or less semesters of AP, IB, Honors and/or CC, it will also be the Weighted and Capped GPA.

# of Bs=

X 3 =

# of Cs=

X 2 =

# of Ds=

X 1 =

# of Fs=

X 0 =
# Total of Semesters:
Total Grade Points:


SENIORS, if you are applying for the Education Opportunity Program (EOP)
The Educational Opportunity Program is designed to provide students with information to help you find a college campus as well as assist you throughout the admissions process. Low income and educationally disadvantaged students are given a chance to realize their potential and perform satisfactorily at a CSU.


  • Applicant Information Form
  • Recommendation forms (At least two)
  • Personal Statement
  • FAFSA Application
    ** If not, you may be required to submit other documentation to determine EOP income eligibility
  • Completed undergraduate application
  • HS Transcripts
  • $55 CSU App fee or Request to Waive Admisson App Fee Form
DEADLINE: November 30, 2012
If you are granted eligibility and admitted to EOP, you may receive advising services, tutoring and counseling; it grants you up to $2000.00 per year.