Summer Programs 2014

*UC/CSU/CA State Sponsored Programs*


California State Summer School for the Arts

Held at California Institute for the Arts, Valencia, CA

4-week program in visual and performing arts and creative writing   July 12 - Aug. 8      $1,550

Applications must be postmarked by Feb. 28

(661) 255-1050.  Highly competitive.


COSMOS - California State Summer School for Math and Science

4-week residential programs in math and science held on the campuses of UC Davis, UCSD, UCSC, and UCI

June 22 – July 19; July 6 – Aug. 2;   

$3,100 includes room and board

Applications due February 21; highly competitive


California State University Northridge CSUN

Summer Academic Enrichment Program for high school credit or enrichment

June 24 – July 26   $575+

Registration begins March 1

(818) 677-6300


Cal Poly EPIC Summer Camp at San Luis Obispo

One-week residential program to introduce students to “Engineering Possibilities in College.”  Live on campus, hands-on experiences.  Apply Feb. 1 to April 15

July 6 – 11; July 13 – 18; $1,400 includes housing


Cal State Stanislaus Senior Music Camps

One-week residential program open to band, orchestra and choral students.  Special programs for pianists and composers.

June 22 – 28; $590 includes room and board.  Apply by June 1 but discounts for early applications.


UCLA Summer College Program for HS Students

Summer college level courses as part of UCLA’s summer quarter.  College credit.  Varying schedules begin June 24

$339 per unit or about $1,250 + per course





UCLA Summer Institutes

1, 5, & 6-week programs in writing, arts, languages, and science.  Dates and fees vary by program; some residential, some offer college credits.  (310) 825-4101


UC Berkeley embARC Design Academy

4-week design academy to study architecture, urban design, and sustainability.  $8,000 includes housing

Begins around July 1.  Applications due May 1 but apply earlier due to competitive application process.


UC Davis Young Scholars Program

6-week program including university laboratory research experience within the biological & natural sciences.

June 22 – Aug 2.   $6,200 including room & board

Applications due March 21.  5 units of college credit

(530) 752-0622; highly competitive


UC Irvine High School Summer Scholars

5 to 6-week academics program with residential option.  Variety of courses available including Study of Law program.  Fees and schedules available late January.


UC San Diego Academic Connections

3-week residential, academic program covering a variety of subjects to prepare students for college

July 6 – 26;  $3,700 includes room & board

Other programs in Hawaii, Arizona and New Mexico

Apply by June 7


UCSB Summer Pre-College Programs

Academic, Early Start, Research Mentorships, and Enrichment.  Dates and deadlines vary by program.

$8,000-$9,000 including room & board.




Don’t forget to check for summer courses at your local community colleges.



*Other Programs Offered in California*


American Academy of Dramatic Arts

3-week program for students interested in acting, singing, improvisation

July 7– Aug 1 $1,950+ in Los Angeles.  Other programs available in New York.  Apply by May 1.


Chapman University Summer Film Academy

2-week program at Dodge College of Film offering all aspects of filmmaking taught by industry professionals.

June 20 – July 3; July 6 – 19.

$3,000 includes housing and field trips.

Application deadline March 15; highly competitive


Columbia College Hollywood School of

     Film, Television, & Liberal Arts

4-week Summer Youth Filmmaking Workshop

July 7 – Aug 2 or July 21-Aug. 16; $2,595 + $1,600 for housing.  Limited spaces so apply early.

(800) 785-0585   (818) 345-8414


Idyllwild Arts Academy

2 and 3-week programs in the arts including music, dance, film, creative writing, poetry, etc.

Various dates and schedules

July – August, approximately $2,500+

(951) 659-2171


Junior States of America Foundation

3 or 4-week summer program on politics and debate

Offered at Stanford, Georgetown, Princeton, University of Virginia & Beijing.

Various dates and programs available

 $4,850+ including room & board  (800) 334-5353


Los Angeles Pediatric Society

2, 3, or 4-week programs for students interested in   medical careers. Students work with medical professionals in hospitals around the LA area. No fee.

June 30 – August 1.  Application deadline Feb 21    

(310) 503-1527  Highly competitive application.


NatureBridge Field Research-Yosemite

Two-week field research and backpacking in Yosemite National Park.  $2,595

June 29 – July 12; July 13 – 26; July 27 – Aug 9



Otis Art Institute

4-week, intensive Summer of Art at Los Angeles campus

July 7 – Aug 1.   $1,350 - $2,945 plus optional housing.  Applications due in June.  Check website for more info.

(310) 655-6864


Stanford Pre-Collegiate Summer Institutes

3 & 4-week programs in business, math, engineering, science & writing. Highly competitive admission

June 22 – July 11; July 14 – Aug.2; July 14 – Aug. 9

$5,675 - $7,250  Apply by March 12 for regular admission


Summer Institute for the Gifted (SIG)

3-week residential programs for gifted and talented students; held on various campuses including UCLA, UC Berkeley, Yale, Dartmouth, Amherst and others.  Operated by SIG; Dates and deadlines vary by location; $5,000+ including room & board

(866) 303-4744


“Summer Discovery” Programs

3, 4, 5, or 6-week, pre-college enrichment programs for high school students; held on various college campuses such as UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, University of Michigan, Georgetown, University of Pennsylvania, Emerson, Cambridge, Italy, Madrid/Valencia, and Barcelona.  Operated by Summer Discovery.  Programs of study and dates vary by location  $3,400 - $13,300+

(888) 878-6637


Summer Science Program (SSP)

39-day residential program held at Westmont College in Santa Barbara.  Physics, astronomy, calculus and computer programing for students gifted in math & science.  Competitive application due Feb. 28.

June 22 – July 30.  $4,300 includes housing


University of Southern California – USC Summer

4-week programs for college credit offered in 11 different subject areas including the arts, business, engineering, journalism, writing, pre-law, pre-medicine, etc.

2-week non-credit options available.  Apply by April 1 for financial aid consideration; May 5 regular deadline.

July 6 – Aug 2; $2,783 - $7,425+ per session

 (213) 740-5679






*Programs Offered Outside of California*


American University, Washington DC

Discover the world of communication through 2, 3, and

4-week programs in writing, broadcasting, film, etc. 

June – July; $1,500 - $3,200+ depending on course

(202) 885-2098


Barnard College, Summer in New York City

4-week liberal arts program: June 22-July 18

1-week intensive liberal arts program: June 23-June 28

1-week young women’s leadership institute:  July 7-14

Programs in dance and entrepreneurship also available.

$2,200-$6,500+  Applications due 6/6.   (212) 854-8866


Boston Conservatory, Boston, MA

Intensive 2 & 3-week programs in music and dance

July – August, $2,250 plus housing & travel

Apply by April 15  (Auditions may be required)


Boston University, Boston, MA

6-week High School Honors Program for college credit

June 29 – Aug 8  $7,500+  Apply by May 12

2-week Summer Challenge: 3 sessions available from

June 15– Aug 1   $3,650+  Rolling admissions

Competitive admissions for all programs, apply early.


PROMYS at Boston University

Program in Math for Young Scientists

6-week residential program, intensive math exploration and scientific study, run by the Math Dept. at BU

June 29 – Aug 9  $3,300;  Very competitive application process.  Early application due March 15, regular April 15 (617) 353-2563


Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota

Programs for sophomores and juniors including science, quantitative reasoning, writing, and computer science. 

July – August, costs vary by program

Apply by March 27 or April 30    (866) 767-2275


Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh

Various precollege programs for high school students in architecture, arts, drama, music, video game design. Apply by May 1, very competitive.

June 28 – August 8  $7,000 - $8,500+



The College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia

Pre-Collegiate Summer Program in Early American History; Residential program with college credit

Two 3-week sessions June 22–August 2   $4,200+

(757) 221-7652   Apply by April 18


Columbia University, New York City, NY

Pre-college programs for students entering grades 9-12 

New York City Program has 2 sessions:

June 22-July 12 and July 14-Aug 2

 $10,000+ including room & board.  Apply by April 2

Additional programs available in Barcelona & Middle East

(212) 854-9666


Cornell University, Ithaca, New York

Programs offered in architecture, art, business, law, medicine, veterinary medicine, engineering, etc. for students in 10th-12th grades. College credit.

3 week programs: June 21-August 2 (6 week option available)   $6,000 - $10,000+  Apply by May 2

(607) 255-6203


Duke Summer College for High School Students

4-week residential program.  Students can select from a broad range of Duke summer courses for college credit

June 28 – July 25; $7,750

3 week summer residential academy (no college credit) also available from July 2 – 25.  $5,450


Embrey-Riddle Aeronautical University

One week residential summer camps in Prescott, AZ including Aeronautical Engineering, Chemical/Electrical Engineering, Robotics, Flight Exploration, etc.

Dates and prices vary by program.


Explo Summer Programs at Yale University

3-week residential programs to explore college majors and begin college planning.  Includes visits to other colleges.

June 29 – July 19 or July 20 – Aug. 8; $6,000

2-week programs also available in foreign affairs & business.


Georgetown University, Washington D.C.

Various credit and non-credit programs, institutes, and courses offered throughout the summer.  Dates, costs, application deadlines determined by program.

June – Aug    (202) 687-8600






National Youth Leadership Forum

Residential programs held throughout the US on Medicine, Law/Criminal Investigations, Broadcast Journalism/Media, Engineering, or National Security.  Some offer college credit.  Sessions run between 5 & 10 days. Dates and prices vary by program and location.

$2695 - $3,500+.  Apply by March 21.  Check website for more info.


Northwestern University in Chicago

3, 4, 6, 8, 9-week college prep programs and institutes including medical, debate, journalism.

June – August  $5,000+ but costs vary by program. Apply by Feb 28 for early decision; April 4 regular.

(847) 467-6703


Savannah College of Art & Design (SCAD) Rising Star

5-week residential, intensive art program for credit focused on art and enhancing the student’s portfolio.  Options available in Savannah and Atlanta

June 21 – July 26.  $5,500


“Summer Study” Programs

2, 3, 4, or 6-week pre-college for credit and non-credit enrichment programs held on the campuses of Penn State, University of Colorado, Boulder & Fordham NYC.  Operated by Summer Study Programs.  Programs and dates vary by campus; $3,000-$10,000.


Syracuse University, Summer College

Various programs offered June 28 – August 8

6-week programs for credit   $7,900-$8,500

2-week noncredit studio art   $2,500-$4,000+

(315) 443-5000  Apply by May 15


Vanderbilt University PAVE Pre-College Program

5-week residential program for rising seniors interested in medicine, engineering, science, and technology.

June 23 – July 25; $6,500

Apply by April 20; competitive process


Washington University in St. Louis

Summer Scholars for college credit, $7,000+

Session A: June 8 –July 12 Apply by May 2

Session B: July 13- August 15 Apply by June 6

Summer institutes also available in premed, pre-engineering, writing & global studies.




Yale University Young Global Scholars

July 7 – 20:  Politics, Law, Economics

June 16 – 29:  Science, Policy & Innovation

July 26 – Aug 8: Studies in Grand Strategies (International Relations) Apply by Feb. 21.  Highly competitive.  $5,000


*Programs Offered Abroad*


The Experiment in International Living

3-5 week cultural and language immersion summer

programs in Africa, The Americas, Asia, and Europe

$4,700-$8,000 +  Apply by April 15 (Mar 1 for fin. aid)


ISA High School Study Abroad

Study abroad programs in Spain, France, Italy,

Mexico, Peru, China, and Costa Rica

2, 3, and 4-week programs in June – August.

Prices vary, about $3,200 - $5,000+

Apply early but by April 15        (800) 259-4439


Oxbridge Academic Programs

Summer study in France, England, or Spain

July – August  $8,000+  (800) 828-8349


Sol Abroad

3 & 4-week Spanish immersion programs in Argentina, Mexico, Costa Rica & Spain. 

$3,550 - $6,000+ airfare, other expenses. 

June - August    Apply by May 10 (512) 380-1003


“Summer Study” Program at the Sorbonne, France

Summer study in Paris includes college credit or non-credit programs offered through Summer Study Program

3-week non-credit July 5-25 $6,800+

5-week credit or non-credit July 5 - Aug 6 $9,300+


        Please Note: 


·          Websites ending in “.edu” are usually programs offered directly by a university or college.

·          Websites ending in “.org” or “.net” are often non-profit organizations.

·          Websites ending in “.com” are usually for-profit organizations offering programs that are held on various campuses but not affiliated with the particular college or university.

·          Many programs offer scholarships and/or financial aid and may have earlier application deadlines for financial aid.

·          Research each option carefully before enrolling!  This is just a sampling of what is available!

·          Check to see whether a program will offer high school or college credit; most “enrichment” programs do not offer credit.

·          Summer programs on most college campuses will not provide an advantage for admission to that particular college.

·          We are providing this information as a guideline only and cannot be responsible for deadlines, costs, quality of courses or programs, etc.  It is your responsibility to research and verify all information and to apply in a timely manner.